Novel uses for colloidal silver

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The word “colloid,” derived from the Greek meaning “glue,” was first used in 1861 by Thomas Graham. Small particles that are suspended in a continuous phase, such as a liquid or gel, are called colloids. The typical size of a particle is between 1 and 1000 nanometers. However, “colloidal silver” does not, strictly speaking, relate to silver ions or complex ionic complexes (aqueous solutions, dissolved solids, etc.). However, the term “colloidal silver” has become a catch-all for any health product that comprises silver in a liquid media, and no longer has any scientific relevance.

Silver is mined and refine as a valuable metal. Jewelry, silverware, electronics, dental fillings, photography, and even water purification are just a few of the many industrial applications of gold. Silver’s therapeutic application has been around for ages. Due to the availability of safer and more effective alternatives, their use is no longer widespread. Those who have a valid prescription can still get their hands on a few medications containing silver. For instance, silver nitrate can be use to treat skin diseases like corns and warts and to prevent a common eye infection call conjunctivitis in newborn babies. Burns can also be treat with silver sulfadizine, an alternate medicine. Because they are apply externally rather than ingested, these drugs might induce unpleasant side effects.

In the first few decades of the twentieth century, medical professionals frequently employed colloidal silver. It was shown to be exceedingly safe to use and free of the usual drug-relate bad effects, while still being remarkably effective against pathogenic pathogens. In tests, pure colloidal silver proved efficient against both fungal and bacterial infections. It has been report that over 650 distinct viruses and bacteria are render harmless by it. And that no resistant strains are ever developed. Antibiotics, on the other hand, only work against around a handful of distinct microbes. And resistant strains of those bacteria can develop over time. Superbugs have arisen due to the extensive and uncontroll use of antibiotics in developing countries. Where the treatments are dispense without a prescription. The potential for other pandemics is high. An all-purpose disinfectant, pure colloidal silver works well in any situation. Colloidal silver isn’t thought to affect the good gut flora. In contrast to conventional antibiotics, which kill all bacteria without distinction.

Colloid silver has showed promise in treating tonsillitis and pyorrhea, two bacterial infections of the tonsils and the mouth (gum disease). This can use to treat the pain of ear infections and swimmer’s ear quickly and effectively. Colloidal silver helps fight conjunctivitis and other eye infections and inflammations while also being soothing to the eyes. Colloidal Silver apply topically to treat a variety of conditions, including athlete’s foot, acne, warts, open sores, insect bites, cuts, and burns. The solution’s efficacy is proportional to the severity of the problem. It is an oral drug that can treat over sixty viral and bacterial illnesses. Such as parasites, candida, chronic fatigue, herpes, shingles, staph, and strep infections.

The uses for colloidal silver don’t stop with what’s already been describe. Some examples are on the list below.

Colloidal silver can be use to purify water on trips and camping trips. Silver spray aids in the speedy recovery from burns and prevents scarring. Everything from toothbrushes to surgical instruments can be safely sterilise with colloidal silver. Cuts, scrapes, sunburn, bug bites, razor burn, and bandages are all examples of minor skin irritations that can benefit from a topical application. Just a quick spritz can keep your garbage smelling clean.

Many people who want to avoid becoming sick from eating tainted food spray their cutting boards, sponges, and towels with real colloidal silver to kill E. Coli and salmonella bacteria. You may also spray the contents of your refrigerator, freezer, and other storage units. It can be use to prevent milk and juice from getting sour. It is commonly spray in shoes and between toes to prevent skin irritation, athlete’s foot, and fungal. This plant is effective for treating common hair and skin conditions like dandruff and psoriasis. It used to take much longer to get over the typical cold, flu, pneumonia, staph, strep, respiratory infections, and rhinoviruses. Therefore, it can aid in the avoidance of tooth decay and bad breath.

Cleaning your air conditioner’s filters and then spraying them with real colloidal silver to kill any bacteria that might be lurking there is a great idea. Air ducts and vents should be swabb with colloidal silver to prevent them from acting as a bacterial incubator. Before putting away seasonal apparel, the final rinse water should always be treat with colloidal silver. It’s effective as a germ killer in shampoos for both people and pets. It’s useful for sanitising a wide range of things, from pipe stems to headphones to hearing aids to eyeglass frames to loofahs and hairbrushes. It works well on both diapers and diaper rash.

Moreover, preliminary studies of colloidal silver’s effects on AIDS patients have been encouraging. For people with impaired immune systems, real colloidal silver may be a useful non-toxic supplement due to its antibacterial and antiviral qualities.

New studies suggest colloidal silver’s uses extend beyond its capacity to kill off pathogens. There was also a notable increase in growth stimulation of injured tissues. It was determin that silver’s presence has the potential to aid in tissue regeneration. The elimination of old or cancerous cells, and the treatment of any other abnormal or diseased state.

Because of its soothing effects on the skin, real colloidal silver is finding increasing use in soap. These soaps have suddenly become very fashionable. The antimicrobial and antiviral properties of colloidal silver in these cleansers help revive the skin’s natural radiance.

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