Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales: Scale your sales with actionable insights


Generate sales leads, create more opportunities and utilize intelligence with Dynamics 365 Sales

Dynamics 365 Sales is a intelligent sales solution from Microsoft that is capable to empower your sales teams to close sales quicker with insights and embedded intelligence.

You can use D365 Sales to manage every aspect of your sales from tracking your contacts and accounts, fostering leads to order, creating marketing campaigns to following service cases.

Microsoft offers different D365 Sales offerings for various enterprise sizes including D365 Sales Premium, D365 Sales Enterprise, Relationship Sales and D365 Sales Professional.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 business central can help you leverage the power of Dynamics 365 Sales to scale your sales growth. Their experienced D365 Sales consultants help you choose and deploy the right D365 Sales plan with customization and integration if needed.

Therefore, if your business is in any of the MENA, Europe, African or Asian countries, consult with the leading Dynamics 365 Implementation partners in UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain, Jordan, Kenya, Germany, Canada, Pakistan, and India.

How can D365 Sales helps improve your sales growth?

Win customers through teamwork

Sales being a collective effort, sales teams need to collaborate with subject expertise and other teams to speed up the selling process. The collaboration helps sales teams deliver relevant knowledge to customers throughout the sales life cycle, helping to win customers and increase satisfaction.

Productive collaboration is possible with Microsoft Teams integration.

Microsoft Teams integration speed up the sales work flow, enable everyone to view and collaborate on D365 records with Teams.

Sales teams can share the details of the sales, customers, history and more. They even can make calls meet and chat from within D365 and get the work done efficiently. Microsoft Teams keep your sales agents within their CRM work flows (D365 Sales). This allows them to seamlessly collaborate with their department and get the vital information needed, convey with customers and close the sales deals quicker.

D365 connects sales teams with customers through their favorite communication channels.

Artificial intelligence (AI) to improving revenue

AI (artificial intelligence) in D365 Sales simplify sales cycle through AI-recommended actions which helps sales teams to focus on sales deals that are most likely to close fast.

Sales accelerator is an intelligent sales tool in D365 Sales that optimizes the job of sales teams. How? It minimizes sales team’s search time to find the next customer. This intelligent sales solution provides and surface automated recommendations to help sales teams sell smartly and accelerate the sales process.

Using Sales accelerator capability, sales teams can prioritize their customer list and connect with the next best lead opportunity with relevant sales information. Sales managers can use this tool to make their team more productive in their jobs and focus on high-velocity selling.

This capability comes as an ad-on and it can be integrated with your D365 Sales app. Discuss with your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Partners to know more about the intelligent tool.

Sales forecasting feature

Sales forecasting capability allows you to precisely forecast sales in a given period of time, helping to understand your business health and evaluate now how many opportunities will win in the future.

Using this feature, you can create and manage bottom-up sales forecast – i.e., estimating your company’s future sales performance for a given period.

With the sales forecasting feature:          

  • Sales teams can efficiently manage their sales pipeline by identifying the sales deals they need to close. They can monitor performance against targets and identify risks.
  • Sales managers can execute sales team’s progress and meet sales target more confidently with complete visibility into bottom-up forecasts – all while gaining insights into opportunities that impact your business.
  • Sales leaders can offer useful guidance that precisely reflect the sales processes in the sales pipeline.
  • Sales managers can monitor individual sales performance and provide coaching.
  • Sales directors can allocate resources properly based on the sales forecast trends.

You can configure sales forecasts, define the type of forecast, permissions, and hierarchy and activate to view the revenue or sales pipeline projections.

Enhance customer engagement using conversation intelligence app

Conversation Intelligence collect data from sales team’s call recordings – insights about customer emotion, market trends, customer sentiments and priorities – to enable guided selling. Sales managers can use data or insights to manage sales teams and coach them.

Call summary page in Conversation Intelligence offers sales managers and leaders an easy way to view the conversations they had with their customers and quickly grab insights, key words and important talking subjects.

The information on the page helps both sales teams and sales managers to quickly speed up conversations with customers and highlight commitments and relevant topics. Sales leaders can get a holistic view of how their sales team is engaging with customers and maintaining relationships with them.

Your Dynamics 365 partner can help you know specific about conversation intelligence feature.

Dynamics 365 Sales apps overview

Dynamics Sales Enterprise

  • Nurture sales to lead process
  • Run and monitor marketing campaigns
  • Seamless collaboration with customers
  • Sales forecasting

Dynamics 365 Sales Premium

  • Guided selling
  • Relationship intelligence
  • Increase lead conversions and win rates using AI
  • Predictive lead and opportunity scoring
  • predictive forecasting

Microsoft Relationship Sales

  • Embed LinkedIn Sales Navigator in D365 Sales
  • Grab leads from LinkedIn network
  • Enable sellers to have personalized interactions with customers

Looking to scale your sales growth?

Engage with the leading Microsoft Gold Partners or Microsoft Dynamics 365 consultants in UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain, Kenya, Germany, Canada, Pakistan, and India. They will provide Dynamics 365 Implementation with right D365 Sales licensing plan.

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