Tier Ratings Explained for a Colocation Data Center in Mumbai

Tier Ratings Explained for a Colocation Data Center in Mumbai



Before going to purchase a data center facility you need to understand Tier Classification levels. Data center tiers are a system quality indicator to describe specific kinds of data center facilities and their system infrastructure in a consistent way. Choosing a perfect Colocation Data Center in Mumbai to host your data can offer great reliability and performance with Uptime institute. Data centers are divided into multiple numbers because they indicate international standards in terms of performance and quality network providers.  

Identifying which data centers are right-tiered can lead to downtime, but also ensure a solid infrastructure is in place for necessary operations. There are different tiers available on the internet according to our demand and supply and also reduces unnecessary expenses. 

This article is all about the multiple Tier Ratings along with how data center tiers work. Basically tier data center is defined between Tier-1 to Tier-4, first is a very common and basic level infrastructure provider while Four is the most complex and expensive component provider. Each tier has its own specifications let’s compare them and see which one is the right solution for Colocation Data Center in Mumbai.

Understand What Are 4 Data Center Tiers?

Generally, data center tiers are a standard ranking system that defines the Reliability and server uptime through a data center infrastructure. These multiple-tier systems are designed for those who need basic to advanced-level system availability. These classifications are a source objective and reliable method solution from 1 to 4 in a simple way. If you go with 1 they you are choosing the worst and if you go with 4 you will get the best performance system. 

So this is a reliable method for comparing the performance of your data center tier infrastructure. While choosing Colocation Data Center in Mumbai you need to find out trusted founder and reliable resource provider. Uptime Institute and tier certification ratings are a diploma to measure your data center provider capability and technical equipment to meet your performance always alive. 

Here are Tier Ratings Explained:-

Tier 1:-

Usually, Tier-1 Data Centers are the starting point and very basic-level system facility distributors. Clients get a single path and few cooling systems, few power systems, and no redundant backup components. Along with its basic facility, you can get a limited server Uptime something of 99.65% per year. Which is the average uptime ratio in data centers. So that’s why this is a basic capacity level facility.

Tier 2:-

With a Tier 2 data center solution, you will get a single path for the same system(Cooling and Power) but along with that, you will get some more backup components and a redundant power supply. You will get more Uptime rate in comparison to tier-1 you can expect uptime of around 99.73% per year(22 hours of downtime annually). 

Tier 3:-

A Tier-3 Data center is a sufficient performance and fast performance Uptime Network Data Center facility, provider. In this segment, you will get multiple paths for power and cooling systems. Also, you will get redundant backup as per the client’s demand and a perfect place to upgrade and maintain systems changes without taking it offline. You can get more than 99.90% guaranteed uptime.  

Tier 4:-

A tier 4 data center is a facility that is completely built to multiple paths for providing power and cooling systems. Along with that, this is a completely fault-tolerant data center component with more than 99.95% server uptime annually. 

What Factors Are Considered for Colocation Data Center in Mumbai?

  • Great Uptime Guarantee and Server Availability
  • Provides system maintenance related tools Cooling and Power Infrastructure
  • High-class Redundancy levels Backups and unplanned disruptions
  • Carrier Natural data center facility provider
  • At least provides Tier-3 Data center infrastructure
  • Operational sustainability to meet the business goal in long term
  • Data Center Security levels

Which data center tier is best for your Colocation Data Center in Mumbai?

Now you understood why data center tiers are divided into 4 multiple parts. The right data center can full fill all your business-related needs. Tier 1 data center is not a good option and not necessary because you can get limited pieces of equipment or a lower uptime rate. Tier 2 is best for small and medium enterprises. Which is a good option for those who have limited capital for investment. 

Tier 3 Colocation Data Center in Mumbai is a good option if you are going to choose a Colocation in Mumbai. With this facility, you will get a redundant power supply, security features, great uptime, and other useful resources. With a Tier-4 data center, it will complete more complex and might be over-investment. In the wake of the technological advance of Edge Data Centers, people have been exploring a variety of new opportunities, some of which are still in development, that may one day assist them in leading better lives.

Data Center Tiers Compared Chart Box

Concurrently maintainableNONOPartiallyYes
Typical customerSmall companies and start-upsSMBsGrowing and large businessesGovernment Entities and large enterprises
StaffingNone1 Shift1+Shift 24/7
ComponentNonePartial N+1Full N+1Fault-tolerant (2N or 2N+1)

Serverwala Tier-3 Colocation Service Provider in Mumbai

Colocation Data Center in Mumbai

Serverwala Cloud Data Center is one of the leading Colocation Services Providers in Mumbai they provide Real-Time Monitoring Of Network & Power with a TIER-III Data Center facility. With their Colocation Server, you can get 4 Cabinet options and many more server pieces of equipment with 100% Dedicated & Unshared Bandwidth. 

They offer many advantages with Colocation Data Center in Mumbai:-

  • Single Server Colocation
  • Quarter Cabinet
  • Half Cabinet
  • Full Cabinet
  • Redundant Power
  • Reduced Bandwidth Expenses
  • Surplus Bandwidth
  • High-Performance Colocation Mumbai
  • Ample Backup Services on Demand
  • High Tech Multilayered Security
  • Hardware Ownership


Understanding the distinctions between data hosting facilities is crucial because where you keep your data really matters. In this article, you can familiarize yourself with the Serverwala Cloud Data Center Pvt. Ltd a Colocation data center in Mumbai provider. They offer different options for clients to choose cabinets for their IT business. The right decision with Tier colocation ensures your business never runs into downtime issues.

In the wake of the technological advance of Edge Data Centers, people have been exploring a variety of new opportunities, some of which are still in development, that may one day assist them in leading better lives.

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