How New “Medical Marijuana” Law Affects Employers

Health & Fitness

How Does Arizona’s Medical Marijuana Law Affect Employers? Employers must not discriminate or otherwise penalize any person on the basis of any of the following when hiring, firing or imposing terms of employment; (1) the individual’s status as a cardholder, or (2) a positive drug test from a registered eligible patient for marijuana constituents or metabolites, if the patient has not used, possessed, or used marijuana at work or during work hours.

Only an eligible patient may use medicinal cannabis,

While other individuals may be discriminated against cardholders, including (1) an eligible patient, (2) a designated healthcare provider, or (3) a medical dispensary. Licensed non-profit medical cannabis. The law provides for two limited exceptions to the anti-discrimination provisions. First, there is an exception for employers who “lose a monetary or licensing benefit under federal law or regulation.” Second, if the patient has used cannabis on the employer’s premises or during work hours, the employer is not obligated to employ or continue to hire a registered and qualified patient who tests positive for marijuana.

The law does not allow employees to use marijuana at work or during work hours.

 The law does not allow anyone under the influence of cannabis to undertake any task that would amount to negligence or professional misconduct. The law specifically prohibits anyone who may be affected by sufficient amounts of cannabis compounds or metabolites from driving a motor vehicle. Therefore, employers can still sue employees who use cannabis or work under the influence in the workplace. Many of you may be wondering, “Is medical cannabinoids Gold Coast  undetectable in urine samples for a few days or even weeks?

So how does an employer or ADHD define a disability?

Unfortunately, the law does not define “disorderly” or “under the influence”. According to the regulations, having just one cannabis metabolite or component in the system is not enough. Employers will need to be smarter about recognizing and documenting behaviors and indicators of cannabis-related disorders. Fortunately for employers, Arizona-based employers’ organizations, including the Phoenix Chamber of Commerce, have appealed to the Arizona State Legislature regarding vague and nebulous language related to “disruption.”

Benefits of Medical Marijuana

Using medical marijuana has many different benefits. For example, cannabis has the potential to alleviate the suffering of sick men and women. Marijuana also has other useful uses. For example, THC, which is commonly found in cannabis, has been shown to kill brain tumor cells. Other research shows that the THC in marijuana can also kill breast, pancreatic, and liver tumors. This means that cannabis can be very beneficial for men and women with cancer. Other men and women also say legalizing marijuana could help the economy. If the United States legalized drugs, regulated drugs, and taxed marijuana, it could reduce the overall federal debt.

Receptors in a person’s brain can promote the acceptance of cannabinoids such as THC. These receptors also make up a large part of the body’s receptor system. However, the THC in cannabis is known to reduce pain and other stressful symptoms of certain illnesses. For example, it can reduce symptoms often associated with chemotherapy regimens.

Health Risk Myths

Although smoking marijuana carries certain health risks, there is no doubt that most of the health risks mentioned are mere myths. For example, no one has ever overdosed on marijuana. While others believe marijuana is addictive, research shows that marijuana is not physically addictive.

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