Canadian Visa

Crimes That Will Bar You from Entering Canada


Canada is a popular tourist destination, and it’s also a place that many people want to move to permanently. More than 250,000 people immigrate to the country every year. Many people are attracted to Canada for its low cost of living, beautiful scenery, and high standard of living. 

Canada is also a peaceful country that is far from the troubles in the rest of the world. So, any person convicted of a criminal offence or related offence in any country may be inadmissible to this country. A minor traffic violation or a little assault can bar you from entering Canada. 

It is easy to be barred from entering this country for several reasons. One very common reason is if you have a criminal record. The fact that you were charged with a crime can be enough to bar you from Canadian immigration. If you’re looking to travel to Canada, make sure you don’t have any of these crimes on your record; if not, you may be denied entry. For more information on this subject, you can consult a reliable Canada immigration service provider.

Crimes That May Prevent a Person from Entering Canada

Here are a few crimes that may prevent an individual from entering Canada:

  • Serious criminal offences like murder, sexual assault, and drug trafficking 

Each person seeking entry to Canada must meet the requirements in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations for admissibility. If you have been convicted of a serious crime either in Canada or abroad, you may be deemed inadmissible to Canada. A conviction for a serious crime may lead to a refusal of entry to Canada, and if you are already in Canada, you may become ineligible for residence.

  • Criminal Conviction 

If a person has a criminal conviction for which they have received a sentence of more than six months in prison, they may be barred from entering Canada. This is known as being criminally inadmissible to the country. Other factors, such as the nature of the crime and the time that has passed since the conviction, may also be considered when determining admissibility.

  • Pending Criminal Charges

If a person has criminal charges that are currently pending, they may also be barred from entering Canada. This is because they are considered a potential risk to the country’s security and its citizens. However, whether a person with pending criminal charges will be allowed to enter Canada will depend on the individual circumstances of their case, and immigration officials will decide on a case-by-case basis. 

In some cases, a person with pending criminal charges may be able to enter Canada if they can obtain a Temporary Resident Permit, allowing them to enter the country despite their inadmissibility.

  • Human Rights Violations 

Human rights violations are a serious offence in Canada. Under Canadian immigration laws, a person believed to have committed or been complicit in war crimes, crimes against humanity, or other human rights violations is denied entry to Canada.  

  • Organized Crime 

Under Canadian immigration laws, a person involved in organized crime or criminal groups is not allowed entry to the country. This can include participating in or contributing to activities of a criminal firm or being part of a criminal rally.

  • Security & Terrorism Offences 

If you have been involved in security or terrorism offences, you may not be allowed to enter Canada. Security or terrorism offences can include – being a member of a terrorist group, supporting terrorist activities or committing other security-related offences. 

Some examples of indictable offences in Canada include: 

  • Murder 
  • Robbery 
  • Sexual assault
  • Drug trafficking
  • Fraud over a certain dollar amount

These offences carry harsher penalties and longer prison sentences than summary conviction offences.

To overcome the issue of criminal admissibility, a person can take several steps. These include:

  1. Obtaining a pardon or record suspension from the government.
  2. Applying for a temporary resident permit allows a person with criminal convictions to enter Canada for a specific period.
  3. Demonstrating that the person has been rehabilitated and is unlikely to re-offend.
  4. Providing evidence of positive contributions to society since the conviction.
  5. Showing that exclusion from Canada would cause undue hardship to them or their family members who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents.

It is important to note that each case is unique, and there are specific steps that will depend on the individual circumstances. It is recommended to consult a lawyer familiar with immigration and criminal law.
If you’re planning to travel to Canada, the information in this article can help you avoid committing offences that could result in deportation. A person with a criminal record should be aware of the potential issues and take the necessary steps to overcome them before travelling to the country. The rules and regulations apply to everyone, including Indians seeking work visas for Canada.

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