6 Steps To Become A Registered NDISProvider In Sydney

Health & Fitness

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has spread all across Australia, and the more participants are becoming a part of this disability support program, the better scope it has for the service providers. In order to become an NDIS provider, there are some things that one must know, and one of those things is that there are two types of providers, registered and non-registered. You can choose to become either of them, but registered providers have access to more services than non-registered providers. 

Fronto Advisory provides guidance regarding NDIS provider registration in Sydney; they have experienced advisors who are well-versed with the program and are able to help you in the best possible manner.

What Is A Registered Provider?

Before starting with the registration, you first need to understand the difference between registered and non-registered providers. Registered providers are the ones that choose to go through the entire screening process of NDIS and get themselves registered with the NDIS Commission. This registration allows them to offer more services to the participants, like NDIA-managed funds and Specialist Disability Accommodation that non-registered providers can not provide. Here are the steps you can follow to become a registered provider under NDIS.

1. Check Your Eligibility

The first step in becoming an NDIS provider is checking your program eligibility. Before sending in your application, you should make sure that you know whether you are eligible or not. You can visit the NDIS website to learn about the eligibility criteria, or you can also call the Commission at 1800 035 544. You should also check if the services you are considering providing are in the NDIS Practice Standards or not.

2. Fill Out Your Application

Once you have checked your eligibility for the program, you can fill out the application form online. The application will require you to put in your contact details, organisation’s details, corporate structure, and ABN (Australian Business Number). You can take up to 60 days to fill out the application, if you take any longer than 60 days, your application will be removed from the portal, but if you have submitted your application within the time, you will receive an email from NDIS Commission to conduct the initial audit scope.

3. Audit

In the third step for registration, you will receive an email from the Commission regarding the organisation needs you need to meet and the type of audit your business will have to pass. There are two types of audits: certification and verification, and the Commission decides which audit is suitable depending on the services you aim to provide. Once the audit is done, their findings will be explained to you in detail. The NDIS Commission uses an online portal to update the results from audits. You need to ensure that the audit is conducted by a quality auditor who is approved by NDIS.

4. Assessment

After submitting your audit report, you will need to wait for the Commission to assess your application. NDIS will have to evaluate your organisation and key personnel, including the CEO and directors, based on the audit report they have been presented. Once the assessment is done, the Commission will contact you to let you know about the results. If you don’t pass, you can refile your application within three months of the development. However, if you have passed the assessment, you will be rewarded with a list of services you can provide, a description of those services, and the standard regulations you need to follow.

5. Compliance

NDIS Practice Standards include several supplementary modules, and the service providers are supposed to act according to them. In order to become a registered provider, you must comply with all the modules of the Practice Standard.

6. The Outcome

After your application is approved, you can start operating as an NDIS service provider. Your company’s policies and procedures must be aligned with NDIS. When you are filling out the self-assessment part of your application, you must put your company policies and procedures in order so that compliance can be built.

If you have guidance regarding NDIS provider registration in Sydney, reach out to Fronto Advisory and have their experienced advisors help you become a registered provider under NDIS.

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