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Tajwid is of great importance for us in order to give the Quran Online Shia Quran Academy


The Art of Reading the Quran Tajwid and Its Importance:

Tajwid is of great importance for us in order to give the Quran Online Shia Quran Academy its rights for recitation. we all wish to read correctly and beautifully and the beauty of the words is only possible if we know the rules of reading, meaning that we need to know how each letter (حرف) has to be pronounced. The rules of Tajweed are not difficult to learn but do take some time

ocabulary Used In Tajweed:

Tajweed literally translates to is the rules for reading Arabic Online Shia Quran Academy so that it becomes a beautiful recitation and not just a list of words. there are five rules to tajweed that concern the shape of letters, how they are pronounced, pauses between words, punctuation, and pronunciation. These rules come from studying how Arabic was spoken in Muhammad’s tThe Arabs used to speak slowly with drawn-out vowels; however when writing down their speech, they would shorten the vowels to make room for more text on one line.The Arabs also had an additional letter known as hamza which does not have any sound value but can act as a glottal stop or pause within a word. They would pronounce this letter before certain guttural sounds like qaf or kaf (the two q’s) or before feminine endings like -at/-aat.

Basic Rules Of Tajweed:

there are seven rules that must be in order to recite Quran correctly. These include: pronouncing each letter with its correct sound; pronouncing long vowels with a slight pause in between; not speaking too fast, but also not too slow; pausing slightly at each comma, colon, semi-colon, or full stop; and ending the recitation on a high note. the than these basic tajweed rules, there are five other features which should be observed when reciting the Quran The third rule is making sure one doesn’t neglect vowel points (madda). If one ignores them while reading they will end up saying ma instead of inna and ka instead of inna as well as using incorrect diacritical marks.

How To Practice:

There are a few ways to practice reading the Quran. One is using an app, such as Quranic Arabic Reader, which has both audio recordings as well as translations in multiple languages. Another way to practice is listening to recitations by scholars such as Shaykh Hamza Yusuf or Dr. Yasir Qadhi. The best way to ensure you don’t lose focus on your tajwid is to read without looking at the text until you feel confident with it, then close your eyes and see how much you remember. While sounding out the words may seem tedious at first, you’ll soon find that this method is easier and more natural when actually trying to recite from memory.

Basic Rules Of Tajweed:

the are seven rules that must be followed in order These include: pronouncing each letter with its correct sound; pronouncing long vowels with a slight pause in between; not speaking too fast, but also not too slow; pausing slightly at each comma, colon, semi-colon, or full stop; and ending the recitation on a high note. Other than these basic tajweed rules, there are five other features which should be observed when reciting the Quran. The first is that we speak clearly, since some words might have been written differently from how they are pronounced and therefore it is important to pronounce them accurately. The second is paying attention to pauses, which can make a big difference in the meaning of a sentence. The third rule is making sure one doesn’t neglect vowel points (madda).

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