Sheet Water Proofing

Sheet Water Proofing

Home Improvement

When you are designing a building, sheet water proofing can help you avoid the problems of leaks and water damage. This is because sheet waterproofing is a structurally sound material that will not absorb moisture from the air. It is also easy to install, and it is a great way to protect your property and the people inside.

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Negative side waterproofing

Negative side sheet water proofing, also known as interior side waterproofing, is the cheapest and most efficient way to waterproof a surface. It involves applying a product to the dry inside face of the surface. This prevents water from seeping through, but does not prevent it from penetrating the substrate. Because it does not permanently seal a surface, negative side waterproofing is not recommended for many situations. Hydrostatic pressure can cause the negative side product to push away from the surface, so proper surface preparation is necessary.

Positive side waterproofing is effective on new construction, while negative side waterproofing is effective when the surface has been damaged by water. It also prevents expensive damage to the interior of a structure by preventing leaks. The downside of this type of waterproofing is its price. New buildings should always be waterproofed using positive side waterproofing, while older buildings should be treated with negative side waterproofing only when absolutely necessary.

Cold-fluid-applied membranes

Cold-fluid-applied membrane for sheet water proofing is one of the many types of waterproofing membranes. These membranes are made from a variety of materials, including elastomer, polyethylene, and polypropylene. Some of these membranes can be applied by hand, while others are sprayed on. These membranes are effective in protecting buildings against water and extending their service life.

Cold-fluid-applied membrane systems can be used for a variety of applications, such as in applications where the sheet membrane is unlikely to cover the entire surface. Cold-fluid-applied membrane can be applied to horizontal surfaces by using a roller, squeegee, or spray. They are also suitable for use on roof decks.


Seams are a critical part of sheet water proofing systems. These seams can be repaired with adhesive or by using a hot air welder. The method chosen depends on the particular application. If it is an interior or exterior application, the adhesive repair should be used. Seam tape is a 6″ double-stick elastomeric tape that is used to waterproof sheet seams, joints, drains and protrusions.

Various membranes are available. For example, PreTak is made of high-density polyethylene and pressure-sensitive adhesive. It mechanically bonds to cast-in-place concrete. PreTak is typically used in underslab applications and is available in two selvedge edge options – a heat-welded or a pre-treated adhesive edge.


A key to sheet water proofing success is the ability to accurately detail around roof penetrations. This is easily achieved by using a pourable pocket, a proprietary TPO upstand with a flange heat-welded onto it. This allows specially formulated rubberised sealant to be poured into the pourable pocket surround and seal around penetrations. Pourable pockets provide 50mm of contingency above critical junctions.

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